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Our Story:

​Ever since I can remember I have been captivated by Music. Even as a small child I have memories of building makeshift “guitar like” instruments out of whatever I could find. When I finally was able to get my own instruments, they were far from good and needed a lot of work, so I was always modifying and repairing my guitars. When I was 20 I finally got the experience I needed through an apprenticeship with my uncle “Harland Suttis” a world renowned luthier.


After my apprenticeship I set out to make a name for myself, spending a few years working for stores and soon after started working for musical instrument distributors, which gave me the opportunity to work with much larger and prestigious brands such as Duesenberg, Schechter, Fender, Taylor and Gibson. 


During that time I also ran my own repair shop and was building guitars along the way. I have been well known for my repair work and builds over the years but eventually my love and passion for designing and building guitars started to take over and slowly started to grow into what Old Crow Custom Guitars is today.


I found that the more unique and interesting I made each guitar, the more interest I had in the guitars themselves. Some details are subtle and classic while others are more dramatic and attention grabbing. The one thing people walk away with after trying an Old Crow Custom Guitar is the amount of care and craftsmanship that goes into each one.

Aaron A. Law

Our Products:

Each Old Crow Custom Guitar is made for a specific feel and effect. This photo of the Crow Caster is a definite example of that. Until recently, my design process was more traditional pen and paper but slowly over the years I have been working on designs digitally. Do not let this statement fool you for as much as I try to embrace technology these guitars are very much handmade one at a time. The metal and aluminum body guitars are hand welded, ground and smoothed out until they take their final shape.

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